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3 ways an effortless treasure hunt made me a better mother

Over the weekend we treasure hunted.
It’s been on our #parrishfambucketlist for forever.
But this time it was different.

We set aside 2 hours. (obviously didn’t tell them that) + turned off distraction.
Turned off work.
Turned off the life that they don’t really even know exists?
Isn’t that a mind blowing thought?
We let the boys make allll the rules.
Jonah has been putting together letters to make words at school, so believe me when I tell you watching him make the treasure map that WE ACTUALLY FOLLOWED, was absolutely priceless. I cried a few times. Surprised?

2. SOCIAL MEDIA CAN KISS IT: I often think social media is ruining all of us. Damaging many of our relationships. Or maybe I should step back + speak for myself. Where are our intentions? I want to remember everyyy detail of my kids lives, but is that just a lame excuse masked behind “intention” or do I really mean it? Life is often different in my journal, so is this how I realllllly feel when I snap 89 photos of the same scene?! #heartdrop NOTE TO SELF: Actions speak louder than words. Especially to kids.
Moments like these remind me that I gotta shape up. I went to a lunch meeting with with Mel Robbins (author of 5 second rule) a few weeks back  +  when she flat out told us to  STOP TAKING NOTES if we really wanted to start learning – – –  I was like whoaaaa. You’re on to something woman. Our scavenger hunt went undocumented on social media. ON PURPOSE. I didn’t take any phone pictures. I was trying some new settings on my camera because the lighting was unique, but doing it without the intention of posting kept my intentions right where they needed to be. Being fully sincerely present is a rare gift now days. To ourselves. To our loved ones. To anyone we genuinely care about. Would you agree?

Honestly, we didn’t make it far. I think that was the best part. Had I been in charge we wouldn’t have been on the same block for longer than 15 minutes. A genuine reminder to SLOW IT THE CRAP DOWN, GP. Which is the 3rd reason this simple treasure hunt changed my life. I swear to you these boys in my life teach me waaay more than I’ll ever manage to teach them. 


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6 thoughts on “3 ways an effortless treasure hunt made me a better mother

  1. This is touching and currently something I too am walking through.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what camera do you use? I’m the same as far as I don’t want to miss a second, and I LOVE photos.. but taking them from my phone always leads to placing them on my story and I love the idea of leaving the phone behind and just being present! So what camera do y’all use??

  2. I feel the same way about social media and friends. How many friends do we actually communicate with outside social media in person? I mean social media is a great outlet for communication from afar but what about our neighbors, church friends (in Utah is like a block away), and close by family? How about instead of commenting on a picture, you actually talk to the person face to face?

  3. I wish everyone on social media could see/read this! So true. Such wisdom. Keep up the good work being (undocumented) mom and love those babies & be present. The greatest gift they’ll ever receive and the one they will never forget. 😍👍🏼

  4. I’m over here just sobbing. This post was SUCH a good reminder. Amen to Mel, the women knows her stuff. I keep doing the same thing. Telling myself to live more in the moment, yet I try and capture every moment to build my following, and I stay on social media just in case a customer decides to buy. THAT RIDIC-U-LOUS! I’m missing my “why” actually exist.

    Love you, love your stuff.

    Thanks G.P.

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